

How to personalise your Gutteridge eGift Card

In order to have a better shopping experience with our eGift Card, please follow these tips

What images can I upload?

You can upload photos you have taken, a picture you have painted, images you have created, your company logo, etc. on which you have property rights and without the risk that recipients might find your image offensive.

In this regard, our company reserves the right to take legal action in the event that the Gutteridge brand is associated with an improper image.

What can't I upload?

Please respect our community, friends, colleagues and loved ones. In general, follow common sense and good taste. Behave with dignity.

Do not charge:

- Vulgar, obscene or otherwise offensive images, including pornographic content or slanderous and vulgar language;

- Images for which you do not claim copyright and intellectual property rights.

How can I upload an image?

To upload an image:

1) Select your photo frame from those available;

2) Once you have selected the frame, click on Upload Photo;

3) Choose the photo from those available on the device you are using and confirm.

What image formats and sizes are supported?

Use JPEG.format. The recommended format is horizontal (800 x 450). We recommend that you upload photos weighing less than 5MB.

How long does it take to upload an image?

It depends on the speed of your Internet connection and the size of the file.

Where does my image appear?

An example of a Virtual Gift Card with your photo will appear as soon as your chosen photo has been uploaded.

What happens if I receive an offensive image via an Gutteridge Virtual Gift Card?

If you think the image is illegal, offensive, pornographic, or infringes copyright or intellectual property rights, or our brand guidelines, please report the incident to our Customer Care team.

Who owns the images I upload?

The owner of the images is the person who owns the copyright on those images. Uploading images to the Gutteridge site does not imply transfer of ownership.